Thank you for supporting Eaglet Athletics!

Thank you for all that you do to support the life-changing education for students at Orchard Lake St. Mary's!

Acknowledging the pay-to-play fee, we still receive questions about how parents and friends can support their student’s activity by making a charitable gift. This giving portal gives you that chance to help.

First, it's very important to remember that the Moms & Dads Club Raffle is the highest priority for all St. Mary’s families. Selling or purchasing those tickets is essential to the school.  Please keep that in mind as you consider whether you’d like to make a gift.

With that said, if you would like to support your son or daughter’s sport, the link is below to make a donation. One hundred percent of your gift will go to the program you choose. The varsity coach, in conjunction with the Athletic administration, will utilize the money raised for priorities that will positively affect all student athletes in that sport, whether they be freshman, junior varsity, or varsity.

The link is below, as well as some Questions and Answers. Additionally, there are other giving options to support St. Mary's if you prefer a more general gift to the school.

Most importantly thank you for all of your support of the Prep. Together, we make “God. Family. St. Mary’s” a reality for our Eaglets.

Chris Czarnik & Jermaine Gonzales

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Q: Is my gift tax deductible?
A: The Orchard Lake Schools, including St. Mary’s Preparatory, is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. You will receive no goods or services in exchange for your gift and the gift is deductible to the fullest extent of the law. As always, consult your tax advisor for specifics. The Development Department will provide you with a gift receipt for your tax records. 

Q: Can I direct my gift to a specific level, meaning freshman, junior varsity, and varsity?
A: No. The varsity head coach is ultimately responsible for the entirety of the program. Their focus will be to utilize dollars raised to further the program and benefit all teams applicable in that sport (Freshman, JV, and Varsity).

Q: What will my gift be used for?
A: Annual budgets address most needs for the teams. However, costs associated with simple things like transportation, referees, and updated equipment and uniforms add up quickly. Your gift will be used to augment the annual budget (the needs) as well as provide for some of the “wants” of the program.

Q: What about the annual fundraiser the team holds?
A: Keep in mind that 100% of your gift will go to the program. Teams will still be able to hold one gathering that may include a fundraising component, but a direct charitable gift provides the most benefit to our teams. Often, a $100 gift to an event might only provide $50 or less of benefit to the teams, and donated auction items frequently cost the donor more to donate than what they are sold for. Students benefit most from a purely philanthropic gift. However, gatherings are still important and can better focus on team development, community building, and even shared community service.

Q: Can I send in a check or cash instead?A: Yes, gifts to any of our athletic programs may be given via cash or check. Donations can be dropped off to Annette Knight in the St. Mary’s Athletic Complex (building #6) in a sealed envelope with clear instructions on what program your donation should be credited to. Example, “gift to the soccer program”. Checks may also be sent via mail to Attn: Development Department 3535 Commerce Rd, Orchard Lake, MI 48324.

Q: How can I give to a sport that’s not listed here?A: Right now fall sports are available via this giving page. Winter and Spring activities will open once their seasons begin. If you’d like to give a gift before then, gifts may be sent via mail to Attn: Development Department 3535 Commerce Rd, Orchard Lake MI 48324 or dropped off to Annette Knight in the St. Mary’s Athletic Complex (building #6) in a sealed envelope, with instructions on what activity your donation should be credited to, example “gift for track and field”.

For questions or more information, call or email Lisa Gray at (248) 392-9974 or

About Your Gift
$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 250.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
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Orchard Lake Schools
3535 Commerce Rd, Orchard Lake, MI 48324
Phone: 248-682-1885  |   Fax: 248-738-6725  |   Email: