Polish Institute of Culture & Research
Ukrainian Relief Fund

Poland is welcoming refugees from Ukraine seeking safety from the Russian invasion. Already, hundreds of thousands of refugees from Ukraine have poured into Poland, and many more are expected to come. Relief agencies in Poland are rising to the occasion, providing food, clothing and shelter, and placing these refugees with Polish households. The special Ukrainian Relief Fund is accepting donations to assist in this cause.

Monies donated to the Ukrainian Relief Fund will be sent to the charitable organizations listed below in Poland to aid in their efforts to support refugees from Ukraine.

List of Polish Ukranian Relief Charities:

Polskie Centrum Pomocy Międzynarodowej (PCPM) (Polish Center for International Aid)

Polska Akcja Humanitarna (PAH) (Polish Humanitarian Action)

Caritas Polska (Caritas)

Fundacja Ocalenie (Ocalenie Foundation)

Polski Czerwony Krzyż (PCK) (Polish Red Cross)

Polska Misja Medyczna (Polish Medical Mission)

Felician Sisters Ukrainian Relief in Przemysl

For questions or more information, please contact Anna Bieciuk at abieciuk@picrol.org

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